
Karla DeVaal
Responsibilities of the Treasurer include the collection of real estate and mobile home taxes and special assessments, along with any other monies due the county, followed by recording and investing those monies. The Treasurer and Auditor work together to process accounts payables. The County Treasurer tracks and monitors all delinquent real estate and mobile home taxes, followed by administering the tax sale procedure.
The Treasurer processes applications for the assessment freeze of residences for qualifying disabled persons and elderly, assists with State Sales Tax Refund program for the state, and issues distress warrants on behalf of the Department of Revenue and the Department of Labor as required by law.
The County Treasurer acts as an agent of the Department of Motor Vehicles for issuance of licenses for non-commercial and commercial motor vehicles, trailers, motorcycles, snowmobiles, and watercraft; for permits for in-transit vehicles, commercial vehicles, mobile home moving, commercial harvesting, and handicapped parking; process motor vehicle titling requests such as transfers, duplicate titles, and recording or releasing of title liens.