Grant County Court House
Milbank, South Dakota

Welcome to Grant County, SD! Our goal is to provide a one stop information source about Grant County government including how to contact county offices, agencies and organizations. The tiles above, Commission, Elections, Contact, 4H and forms will take you directly to those sections of the website. Visit our download section for agendas and minutes for the county commission and other boards. The buttons on the top will allow you to access the website.Thank you for visiting our website and we hope it was helpful.

The Departments of Grant County provide a wide range of services to the public. The Commission is the executive and legislative body for the County. They also serve as the Drainage Board. The Auditor's office serves as the clerk for the Commission, is responsible for overseeing voter registration and elections, all financial matters of the County and calculating property taxes. The Director of Equalization assesses all of the property in Grant County. The Sheriff provides law enforcement, jail services, 911 and 24/7 programs for the County. The Coroner investigates unattended deaths. Emergency Management is responsible for preparing for and overseeing the counties response to disasters. The States Attorney acts as Grant County's attorney and prosecutes offenders arrested by law enforcement. The register of Deeds acts as the vital records library for the county. Birth, Death, Marriage and real estate are just some of the records available in the Register of Deeds office. The Planning & Zoning office handles approval of plats and issues building and drainage permits. The Treasurer's office collects taxes/misc fees and handles motor vehicle licensing and transfers. The Highway Department is responsible for maintaining the roads and bridges in the county. The Weed Department sprays state, county and some township roads and is responsible for enforcement of weed and right of way statutes. Grant County maintains a public library and 4-H program. The Veterans Service Officer provides assisstance to veterans. The Visiting Neighbor program assists elderly and disabled residents with housekeeping services to allow them to stay in their own homes for as long as possible.

In addition there are numerous other agencies, such as the Community Health Nurse, Social Services, ICAP, Food Pantry, Milbank Housing Authority, Clerk of Courts and the Grant County Economic Development that either office in the courthouse or are available in the community.
Notice of Bid Letting for 2025
Burn Ban Resolution
Proposed Jail Project
Grant County GIS Parcel Layer
Updated Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance
Grant County Application for Employment
Statewide 211 Helpline

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