Grant County Court House
Milbank, South Dakota
Filing of a Business Name

Pursuant to SDCL 37-11-1, A Certificate as to Use in a Business of a Trade, Assumed or Fictitious Name Form must be filed in order to engage in or conduct a business for profit in the state under any name which does not plainly show the true surname of each person interested in such business. The statement shall be filed in the office of the Register of Deeds in the county, or counties, where the business is to be conducted. This form is available at our office or downloaded from our website under Forms. Each person that has an interest in the business is required to sign the form in front of a notary public. The Fictitious Name filing needs to be renewed every fifth year thereafter.

Filing fees are as follows:
  • Filing $10.00
  • Renewal $10.00

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(Corporations are filed with the South Dakota Secretary of State's Office.)
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